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ayurvedic rejuvenation in kerala
Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala :: Relax Ayurveda

“Every human being aspires for health and well-being. True health fundamentally means to be in tune with nature; both the inner and outer" - SADHGURU

The Triad of Rejuvenation, Revitalization and Relaxation works in unison. They are inter-connected and inter-related. In fact, if we are set on a course to experience the ultimate in relaxation, then we have to first embark on rejuvenation therapies which gives our mind and body a sense of revitalization and which in turn leads us to experience absolute relaxation.


"Take care of your body it's the only only place you have to live" - Jim Rohn

It was in 600 BC that Ayurveda took birth. This new medicinal system did not just focus on treating illnesses but aimed at the science behind its occurrence and prevention. Therefore, this ‘Science of longevity’, is a wholesome, natural, holistic and wellness therapy.

In this connection, there are many wellness packages to help us rejuvenate and revitalize which results in complete relaxation. In fact, Ayurvedic treatments and therapies are focused on helping one rejuvenate, revitalize and thus relax.

Since times immemorial, and as per ancient texts and scriptures, Ayurveda stresses emphasis on preventive measures. The quote, ‘prevention is better than cure’ fits well. Therefore to maintain a healthy life, it is recommended that people undergo rejuvenation therapies that range anywhere between 7-21 days on a yearly basis. This positively helps complete the revitalization process and one is on the path to feel completely relaxed.

All Ayurvedic therapies are believed to promote better health, positivity, a longer healthier life, slows down ageing, helps reduce fat, eliminates the body of toxins and enhances beauty and overall wellbeing. If you are looking to relax, maintain your health and augment your energies, then rest assured you will be revitalized, rejuvenated and relaxed before long when you opt for any of the specific Ayurvedic therapy packages.


“Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling” - Margaret Lee Runbeck

What is the state of relaxation?This is a question that is often asked. Is it a state of mind or a response? Do we generate it from within or are we dependent on external factors to experience it? If we are to define relaxation per se, it is a response that defines our individual ability to direct our brains to release signals that gets the body to secrete certain chemical reactions that in turn, work on our different organs and muscles to slowdown and boost blood flow to the brain. Therefore, being physically relaxed and at the same time alert, completes the relaxation response and it is also considered one of the most important skills that we can learn to adapt and gain control over our bodies and thus understand ourselves better.

In essence, a state of relaxation is reached when we first complete the other two components of the triad. Simply put, the health benefits of relaxation are many. For starters, it helps increase energies productivity, motivation and better sleep, reduces tiredness and fatigue, decreases anxiety, pains and aches, and lowers blood pressure and stress levels. And for us to feel relaxed, happy and calm, is everything.

Some ways to achieve relaxation would be undergoing Ayurvedic massages and therapies, meditation and Yoga.

Ayurveda is practiced all across India and is popular and an accepted science globally. It is increasingly familiar and recognized world over because of its assured benefits, with continuing results, incorporates only natural ingredients in its therapies and with no offshoots whatsoever.

Ayuryogashram, a renowned Kerala Ayurveda wellness center where we offer the best ayurvedic treatment in Kerala.

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